Dog with bad breath

Dog with bad breath

Dog with bad breath.

3 tips for dogs with bad breath

Oral health in dogs and cats: The importance of fresh breath and good oral health.

Here are 3 tips for a dog or cat with bad breath. Good oral health is an important part of the well-being of our four-legged friends. Many dogs and cats today have problems with bad breath and dark deposits on their teeth such as plaque and stone. We will go through why oral health is so important and how the Swedish DjurApoteket can help promote better oral health.

Why do puppies and adult dogs have bad breath?

Reasons why puppies have bad breath:

Puppies can sometimes suffer from bad breath. This unpleasant smell can be caused by several factors. First of all, it is important to mention their dental development as a potential cause. When puppies start to lose their baby teeth and the new permanent teeth grow in, this can create discomfort and thus lead to bad breath. It is important to be patient and wait until all the teeth are in place before carefully assessing their oral health.

During this period, you can give the dog something to bite on, such as a chew bone. These chewing bones can relieve itching and discomfort in the gums as the teeth grow. This in turn can help reduce the risk of bad breath and at the same time contribute to a more comfortable transition when the puppy goes from baby teeth to permanent teeth.

Why adult dogs get bad breath:

Adult dogs can also suffer from bad breath for various reasons. One of the most common causes is tartar and plaque formation. If you don't take care of your dog's oral health through brushing, chewing bones or supplements that promote it, bacteria and food debris can accumulate and cause bad breath. In addition, underlying health problems such as diabetes or kidney disease can also affect your dog's breath. If you see dark deposits on the teeth in a brown or yellow shade, this is a sign that plaque and stone are forming. Therefore, you should start brushing your teeth and add a supplement that promotes oral health. Swedish DjurApotekets Anti Plaque is a bestseller. Promotes and prevents good oral health.

Other reasons why the dog's mouth smells bad can be gingivitis or an indication of problems with internal organs such as the liver or the kidney. It is therefore important not to ignore bad breath and poor oral health.

My dog ​​has bad breath! What should I do when the dog has bad breath and how should I prevent good oral health? These are questions we ask ourselves when the dog yawns and a musty smell comes from the mouth of our dog or cat. There are supplements for dogs' mouths and cats' mouths. Anti Plaque is specially designed to prevent plaque and stone and at the same time promote good breath.

Now that we understand why oral health is so important, let's look at three effective ways to promote better oral health in your dog. 3 Here are 3 tips for dogs with bad breath.

1. Chewing bones from RAUH! or Whimzees

Chewing bones help remove plaque and tartar and keep the gums healthy. ROUGH! and Whimzees are known for offering high quality chew bones that are safe and delicious. Make sure to choose the right size. The Swedish DjurApoteket has Whimzees box – chewing bones in different sizes that promote good oral health in your dog.

2. Regular tooth brushing

Brushing your teeth is one of the most effective ways to maintain good oral health. Use a special toothbrush and toothpaste designed for dogs. Start slowly and gradually increase the length of brushing until your dog becomes comfortable with it. Regular tooth brushing helps prevent plaque build-up and bad breath.

3. The Swedish Animal Pharmacy supplement Anti Plaque

The Swedish Animal Pharmacy offers an excellent supplement that can help promote better oral health in dogs and cats. Anti Plaque contains ingredients that promote oral health. Give Anti Plaque regularly to prevent and promote healthier breath and healthier oral health.

What makes Svenska DjurApotekets Anti Plaque special on the market is that it contains Fucus vesiculosus ,
a natural plant substance from seaweed. Fucus vesiculosus is absorbed into the blood, and in combination with the animal's own saliva, they create a composition that prevents new coatings from sticking to the teeth. It is well known that good saliva production in animals can help repel the bacteria that cause plaque and tartar.

Oral health is critical to the overall well-being of your dogs and cats. Bad breath can be a sign of an underlying problem. Therefore, it is important to check with your veterinarian if you are unsure about your dog's or cat's oral health.

This article focuses on “three tips for dogs with bad breath”.

SLU has produced a study that shows how many pet owners have problems with their oral health. You can read more about it here!

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