Tips for caring for your dog's stomach

Tips for caring for your dog's stomach

Tips for caring for your dog's stomach

Tips for caring for your dog's stomach

Tips for caring for your dog's stomach.
Does your dog have a loose or sluggish stomach?
Does your dog have indigestion or is going through a food change?
Does your dog suffer from an imbalance in the intestinal flora?

Diarrhea and upset stomach are signs that your dog needs help on the trot. A healthy and balanced stomach is a fundamental factor for the dog to be able to enjoy its food, absorb important nutrients and maintain a strong immune system. But what happens when the dog's or cat's stomach doesn't work as it should?

When the stomach does not work as it should, there are certain symptoms you can keep an eye on in your dog or cat.
Poor appetite – Decreased appetite, refusing to eat the food, bone or candy can be a sign of an upset stomach.
Changed stools – Loose, watery or hard stools can be signs of stomach problems. A stool should be solid with a brown color. The color can vary from dark brown to a lighter shade of brown depending on what the dog or cat is fed. A changed consistency of the poo can be from, for example, stress, intolerance/allergy or, for example, infection.
Vomiting – With an inflamed or irritated stomach, your dog may vomit several times.
Stomach ache - Signs of this may be that the dog or cat becomes shy.

Probiotics and Stomach-Intestine promote good stomach health.

Tips to promote your dog's or cat's stomach health.
Preventing and promoting good stomach health is essential for a happy dog ​​or cat. At Svenska DjurApoteket there are supplements for intestinal health and the gastrointestinal tract.


In the supplement, 1 dose measure contains 900 million lactic acid bacteria and promotes a stable intestinal flora. Can be used in case of diarrhoea, constipation, stressful situations that affect the stomach, antibiotic treatment or change of feed. Probiotics are a supplement for all ages and can be used preventively or acutely and temporarily.  If your dog or cat has a sensitive stomach, we recommend Probiotics from the Swedish DjurApoteket . With a high dose of active substances, you prevent a stable stomach. The supplement stabilizes the intestinal flora and can be a savior when the stomach is out of balance. Many dogs with gastritis like to use our Probiotics.


Stomach-Tarm from the Swedish DjurApoteket helps your dog with loose or hard stools.   The supplement contains psyllium seeds, which are gel-forming dietary fibers for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The fibers absorb the liquid and form a jelly-like consistency that increases bowel activity and speeds up the process. This may be desirable if your dog or cat has a hard stomach. When your dog or cat eats Mage-Tarm, it is important to mix it with water in order for it to have the intended effect as the fibers attract water. If you do not mix with water, there is a risk of constipation. This is a feed supplement for both dogs and cats, suitable for all ages. Stomach-Intestine promotes a normal stool.

What is the difference between our psyllium seeds and the grocery store ones?

There is a difference between seed and seed and there is a very big difference in the quality of different psyllium seeds. Our seeds are more gel forming and usually grocers order in vastly more than we do, hence our pricing. So both quality and quantity come into play. We choose to keep the product because it is very much appreciated by many. If you choose to buy from the grocery store, we would strongly recommend psyllium seeds of the highest quality so that you get the desired effect you are looking for!

Probiotics and Mage-Tarm are two supplements for dogs and cats that have problems with the stomach or poo. Unstable intestinal flora can cause discomfort and also different poo. An unstable stomach needs supplements to stabilize. Here we tell you tips on what you can do when your dog has an upset stomach.

What does the stool say?

Faeces can tell a lot about the intestinal health and well-being of the dog or cat. Here we list common questions about dog poo.

Changed color in the stool

The color of the feces can change depending on what, for example, the dog has eaten. Foods such as mango, beetroot and colorful foods can change the colour. If the dog's poo is a different color, wait 48 hours and keep an eye on the color of the faeces.

Blood in dog poop

If you see that the dog's poo contains red spots that can sometimes become stripes in the poo, this may be due to, for example, wounds in the rectal opening. Book an appointment with the vet.

The poop is yellow or/and orange

If the dog's poo is orange or/and yellow in some parts or only this color, it may be a hint of problems with the liver. If the poo hasn't changed color within 48 hours, we recommend contacting the vet.

Gray dog ​​poop

If the poo is a shade of gray and is also a little oily or slimy, this may indicate indigestion. Indigestion can be caused by several different reasons. If your dog also has difficulty swallowing food, see a veterinarian as soon as possible.

The dog has green poo

If the dog's poo has a green tint, this can be an indication of problems with digestion. See a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Black and/or reddish brown dog poo

If the dog poo has a black or reddish-brown shade, this may be an indication of bleeding at the top of the digestive system. In this case, you should seek veterinary care immediately.

What is a good consistency for dog poo?

Dog poo should have a firm consistency, compact and moist. Loose poo in the dog is usually an indication that your four-legged friend has consumed something that does not agree with its stomach health or is feeling stressed, is eating the wrong diet or has been affected by parasites. Diarrhea for a long time can cause anal sac inflammation. If your dog licks himself a lot at the anus opening or rubs his bottom against the carpet, this may be a sign of inflammation in the hindquarters. Go to the vet for help with possible emptying.

Tips for taking care of your dog's stomach - now you are an expert on dog poo!

A sudden change in diet can be a reason for loose stools or diarrhea.
How the dog's poo looks like can say a lot about the physical condition.

In this article you read about; Tips for caring for your dog's stomach.

If you want to know more about diarrhea in dogs, you can read more at Agria here. 

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