Dog who is afraid of fireworks

Dog who is afraid of fireworks.
The dog who is afraid of fireworks.
Does your dog get scared of firecrackers and fireworks?
Is your dog frightened or uncomfortable with loud noises? The dog who is afraid of fireworks needs a helping hand. New Year's Eve is a time for celebration and joy, but for many dog owners it can be a real challenge. Handling your bullet-scared dogs during fireworks and firecrackers can feel difficult. Here are 3 tips on how you can prepare your dog for the New Year, firecrackers, loud noises and fireworks.
Promote inner peace and tranquility with the supplement Balans from the Swedish Animal Pharmacy
The Swedish Veterinary Pharmacy would like to advise you on Balans, the supplement that gives your dog inner peace and tranquility. From uncomfortable to comfortable – even on New Year's! We offer an excellent supplement that can help your dog maintain inner balance during loud and frightening events such as fireworks. Designed to provide inner peace and tranquility.
You can give Balance every day and also double the dose in specific situations. We recommend starting to get used to Balance about 1 month before the New Year. If your dog is afraid of firecrackers and you want to train a dog afraid of gunshots, Balans can be a good supplement in training.
Give Lickmat during New Year's Eve
Lick food is a fantastic activity! It is a type of soft mat with a pattern, you can spread on soaked dry food, fresh food or for example peanut butter. The Swedish DjurApoteket has peanut butter that is kind to your dog! It takes time for the dog to lick up which can distract them from outside noises. Licking also has calming effects, which is why LickMat is a perfect activity for your dog during the New Year! If you want to make it easy, you can prepare some LickMats and put them in the freezer.
Always make sure your dog can tolerate peanut butter, fruits and vegetables before giving. Consult a veterinarian.
Create a safe place for your dog who is afraid of fireworks.
Creating a safe place for your dog is crucial to helping them deal with their fear of shooting. A place where they can retreat and feel safe. It can be their bed, a special room or a soft cave that you create with blankets and pillows. Let your dog choose this spot for themselves when they feel scared and make sure it's available to them on New Year's Eve. Feel free to put their favorite toys and some treats in it.
When there are fireworks, try not to leave your dog home alone. Make sure to go out with your dog in good time and keep the dog indoors when it's raining the most. Draw the curtains and play music to make the sound of the firecrackers less loud. Activate your dog during the day with a long walk and some brain exercise so your dog is tired in body and mind for the evening.
Bottom line, helping your extremely gun-scared dog through the New Year takes a little preparation and love. By using Balance from the Swedish Animal Pharmacy, providing LickMat as a distraction and creating a safe place, you can make the celebration easier for both you and your four-legged friend. Remember to be patient and loving! Your dog will feel safer and more relaxed if you are too!