Nosework – Tips to get started

Nosework – Tips to get started

Nosework – Tips to get started

How do you start with nosework?

Give your dog mental stimulation with nosework!

How do you start with nosework?
To get started with nosework training, you can start by simply hiding dog treats for your dog to search for. Then you introduce the scent to the dog. There are starter kits available that often include a hydrolat (e.g. eucalyptus) and some containers. If your dog is familiar with a clicker as a signal for reward, that is an advantage. The Swedish Animal Pharmacy has clicks that are smooth with a pleasant clicking sound! 

To prepare the fragrance, apply 1-2 drops of hydrolate to a cotton ball or cotton ball and place it in a container, preferably a jar with air holes. It is important that your dog does not come into direct contact with the hydrolate, as we do not want them to be overwhelmed by the scent. It is therefore best to always place the tip or cotton swab in a container. Next, hold up the container, and when the dog sniffs it, click the clicker and reward with treats. Repeat this exercise several times, with short breaks in between. The goal is for the dog to associate the scent with reward.

Once the dog has learned the scent, you can increase the difficulty by holding the container from different angles. As soon as the dog approaches and sniffs it, you click and give a reward. Timing is important; you should click just as the dog sniffs the container. Gradually, you can introduce an empty container, so the dog has to choose the right one to get its reward.

As the dog becomes more experienced with the scent, you can challenge further. Place several containers in a row on the floor, only one of which contains the scent. Later, you can place the container in another room and let the dog search freely. Over time you will be able to sense when your dog detects the scent, maybe it stops or behaves differently? You can teach your dog a specific cue, such as freeze, sit or lie down when it finds the scent, or you can just become adept at interpreting your dog's reactions.

What is nosework and how do you start?

Nosework is a dog sport that originated in the United States with the goal of improving the well-being of dogs through mental stimulation. It is also very entertaining for both dog and owner. The main goal is to have the dog use its nose to identify a specific scent. In competitions, scents such as eucalyptus, bay leaf or lavender are used. The first scent introduced to the dog is eucalyptus, which is used in nosework class 1. In class 2 and class 3, new scents and more difficult search tasks are introduced. The competition is divided into four different categories: Container search, Vehicle search, Indoor search and Outdoor search. You can choose to compete in TSM (all stages) where you perform one of each search type or in TEM (individual stages) where you perform four searches of the same type. But of course competing is optional. The best thing about nosework is its flexibility, making it easy to practice at home for fun and to give your dog the mental stimulation it needs.

Nosework allows the dog to work independently, which increases the dog's self-confidence. It is a sport that is usually recommended for slightly more insecure dogs.

Tips on how to start with nosework:

Carry out short training sessions to ensure that your dog is always engaged and having fun.
Start in a comfortable environment for your dog.
Even as your dog becomes proficient, vary the difficulty by using easier search tasks from time to time and take it slow.
Use high quality dog ​​treats and reward generously. The Swedish DjurApoteket has RAUH! candy that is high quality and natural! VOM is a big favorite with many dogs.
Trust the dog's ability and let the dog work independently.
After training, store the tip or cotton ball in a sealed container, such as a pet bottle with a screw cap, as dogs have a powerful sense of smell and can pick up the scent even if it ends up in the garbage. Also, make sure to place the used containers where your dog cannot reach.

Start competing in nosework?

If you feel that nosework is something that suits you and your dog and you want to give competition a chance, there are a few steps to follow. To start competing, your dog needs to pass a scent test. The scent tests vary depending on the competition class you are aiming for and aim to ensure that your dog can identify the scent or scents used in that specific class.

Nosework offers three different competition classes, with each class introducing a new scent to the challenge. Regardless of which class you choose, there are four basic stages that occur: container search, indoor search, outdoor search and vehicle search.

Do you want to know more about competition classes and scent tests? Read more here at SNWK. 

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