Probiotics - supplements for the dog's stomach

Probiotics - supplements for the dog's stomach

Probiotics for the dog

From Loose Poop to Happy Guts: Probiotics and Stomach Intestine from the Swedish DjurApoteket.

The dog's digestive system is sensitive and can be easily affected by various factors. Diarrhea in dogs, stomach problems and loose poo are common concerns that many dog ​​owners face. The Swedish DjurApoteket has supplements that promote the dog's stomach health - Probiotics and Stomach-Intestines.

Diarrhea in dogs – A common challenge.

Diarrhea in dogs is a common problem that can occur for various reasons such as poor diet, stress or ingested something inappropriate. Seeing one's four-legged friend suffering from loose poo can be a worrying experience for any dog ​​owner.

Probiotics for the dog - Promotes a balanced intestinal flora. 

You can promote stomach health with the supplement Probiotics for the dog. Probiotics contain good bacteria that promote a balanced intestinal flora and support healthy digestion. Swedish DjurApotekets Probiotics have a high dose of active substances and can be used when the dog has indigestion, diarrhea, constipation, a stressed stomach, is to undergo a change of feed or is undergoing antibiotic treatment. Probiotics promote your dog's digestion and a healthy intestinal flora.

Stomach problems in dogs. Stomach-Intestine promotes normal bowel movements.

The stomach is a sensitive part of the dog's body and an important part for the dog to feel good. To promote the dog's digestion and excrement, the Swedish DjurApoteket has developed Stomach-Tarm.

Mage-Tarm is a feed supplement that promotes normal poop. If the dog has loose poo as diarrhoea, you can use Mage-Tarm to make the poo firmer. If the dog's poo is sluggish, you can use Mage-Tarm to make it softer and easier for the dog to pass.

Mage-Tarm is a supplement developed to promote a normal bowel movement. Always make sure to mix with water for desired effect. .

Loose poo in dogs - An indication of an imbalance in the stomach

Dealing with canine diarrhea, stomach problems and loose poo can be challenging. You can promote good intestinal health and normal stools with supplements from the Swedish DjurApoteket. Probiotics for dogs is one of our best sellers.

The Swedish DjurApoteket offers a wide range of supplements such as Probiotics and Stomach-Intestines. Your dog's stomach will thank you!

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